Sonntag, 7. September 2008

Ein öffentlicher Brief an Deutsche Welle

Gerade habe ich einen öffentlichen Brief an Deutsche Welle gelesen, hier ist kurzer Zitat von dem:

I am Belgian. Some Chinese friends told me angrily that Deutsche Welle limited one of its journalists’ work because of her pro-China opinions. This “punished” journalist is named Zhang Danhong, originally from China. Now her work is only limited in the office as an editor for she spoke out her own opinions, so-called “defending the autocratic Chinese government”.

I was very sorry for the decision of Deutsche Welle. As I know, Ms. Zhang didn’t express her opinions during her work. So how could Deutsche Welle treat an employee like that only because she has different opinions and expresses it after her work? In addition, I don’t think that her opinions are wrong, in fact, I agree with her. So Should I be also “punished”? Fortunately, I know I will have no problem at all if I speak out such opinions on public in Belgium.

I can understand that Germany was deeply hurt by communism during the Cold War, so the German people are ideologically more sensitive. However, according to my work and life experience in China, I should say that China, both its government and its people, is much more influenced by their long-history culture than communism. We Westerners should understand that they have a very deep-rooted culture while communism only has roughly 60 years in China…

It seems very much “a la mode” for our Western media to criticize the Chinese government now. We try to find every dark point of China to feed our audience. Actually, many social problems in China have nothing to do with the political regime and we also have the same in Europe. I know that we are very lucky to have free media but unfortunately, our free media is always oriented… I do hope that our media cherish the freedom and be responsible for our society and our young generation. Give European people, especially young people a distorted image of a newly-rising country is no help to the peace of the world and also harmful to ourselves.

I talked a lot in my letter... I don’t want to teach somebody, but just want Europe to continue on the right way and give a good example to the rest of the world… I hope to see Deutsche Welle would make a right decision on Ms. Zhang’s issue…

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

ja es ist wirklich ein armutszeugnis für die deutschen und westlichen medien im allgemeinen. traurig, wie immer wieder stimmung gegen china gemacht wird, da war diese angelegenheit leider kaum erstaunlich.
ich frage mich nur immer, was soll das? denkt denn wirklich jemand, dass mit derartiger berichterstattung auch nur einem geholfen ist, der in china probleme mit der regierung hat? ist es nicht eindeutig, dass dahinter ausschließlich wirtschaftliche interessen stehen? trauern diese leute etwas sogar dem kolonialismus nach? da sie ja anscheinend meinen, europäer können alles besser?